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Cambridge Bioscience partners with Axol Bioscience

Cambridge Bioscience partners with Axol BioscienceWe are delighted to announce that Cambridge Bioscience has partnered with Axol Bioscience, a leading biotechnology company known for their high-quality human cell products and cell-based assays.

Axol Bioscience is renowned for their expertise in generating human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and differentiating them into specialised cell types, including neurons, cardiomyocytes and muscle cells. With their ISO 9001:2015-accredited production facility, Axol Bioscience set a high standard for research and drug discovery.

Cambridge Bioscience are pleased to distribute Axol Bioscience products in the UK and Ireland.

Learn more about Axol Bioscience or use our product search to explore their range

Published 22 May 2024