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Zymo Research: Life sciences company of the year winner

Cambridge Bioscience is delighted to announce that Zymo Research has been awarded the Reviewers’ Choice Award for Life Sciences Company of the Year. This award recognises the company that has the highest review rating on SelectScience based on the number of reviews and average rating of all products. We are delighted that Zymo Research's exceptional portfolio been recognised in this way.

Zymo Research are known for their innovative nucleic acid purification technologies and have built on their wealth of knowledge in this area to develop market leading products for epigenetics and microbiomics workflows. From epigenetics to RNA/DNA isolation, every Zymo Research product is designed to be both simple in use and robust in its performance.

Zymo Research product highlightsScientists' Choice Award Winner
Microbiomics and metagenomics
Next-generation sequencing
Nucleic acid isolation and purification
Plasmid DNA purification

Zymo Research specialist
For more information about the Zymo Research portfolio, contact our Zymo specialist

Published 22nd May 2020

Published 22 May 2020