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Oligo Clean and Concentrator kits

The Oligo Clean and Concentrator™ Kits from Zymo Research provide a streamlined method for the efficient clean-up and recovery of DNA/RNA fragments and oligonucletides from labelling (radioactive, biotin, DIG, etc.) and other enzymatic reactions. Purified DNA is ultra-pure and suitable for downstream applications including hybridisation, gel shift assays, enzymatic reactions, ligation, next generation sequencing and microarray analysis.

Benefits of using the Oligo Clean and Concentrator Kits
• Unincorporated nucleotides, short oligos, dyes, enzymes and salts removed
• Concentrated DNA/RNA eluted in ≥6 µl of water
• Purified DNA/RNA available in 2 minutes
• For oligonucleotides ≥ 16 nt up to 23 kb
• Up to 10 µg of ssDNA/RNA or 5 µg of dsDNA recovered
• Purified DNA suitable for downstream applications including hybridisation, gel shift assays, enzymatic reactions, ligation, next generation sequencing and microarray analysis

Oligonucleotide Recovery & Nucleotide Removal

Oligo Clean and Concentrator recovery and nucleotide removal

The Oligo Clean & Concentrator™ facilitates >90% recovery of ssDNA oligonucleotides (A) and efficient short oligo and nucleotide removal (B)

Material available for download
Oligo Clean and Concentrator protocol
Oligo Clean and Concentrator datasheet


Note: product availability depends on country - see product detail page.

Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
Oligo Clean & Concentrator D4060 · Zymo Research popular product
Zymo Research
50 preparations £119.00
50 preparations
Oligo Clean & Concentrator D4061 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
200 preparations £450.00
200 preparations
ZR-96 Oligo Clean & Concentrator D4062 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
2 x 96 preparations £305.00
2 x 96 preparations
ZR-96 Oligo Clean & Concentrator D4063 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
4 x 96 preparations £588.00
4 x 96 preparations