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Select-a-Size DNA Clean and Concentrator kits

The Select-a-Size DNA Clean and Concentrator™ (DCC) Kits from Zymo Research provide the fastest and easiest method to purify specific ranges of DNA fragments from PCR, endonuclease digestions, ligations and library preparations. The simple size selection workflow allows for specific cut-offs that can be modified to suit reaction clean-up, left-sided, right-sided or even double-sided size selection, important for many next generation sequencing library preparation protocols.

Benefits of using the Select-a-Size DCC Kits
• Quick and easy 7-minute spin-column procedure
• Select for ≥ 300 bp, ≥ 200 bp, ≥ 150 bp, ≥ 100 bp, ≥ 50 bp DNA fragments or perform a double size selection
• Clean and concentrate DNA from PCR, endonuclease digestions, ligations and library preparations
• Elute concentrated DNA in as little as 10 µl of nuclease free water.
• Eluted DNA is ideal for use in downstream applications including next generation sequencing, PCR, DNA ligation and endonuclease digestion

Select-a-size DCC size selection graph

Select-a-Size DCC can be used for double size selection of samplesin ranges from 50-700, 100-700, 150-700,  and  200-700. The  desired  DNA  range  was  selected  according  to  the Select-a-Size  DNA  Clean  and Concentrator protocol and the results were analyzed by Bioanalyzer. 700 ng of sonicated salmon sperm DNA, and a 70 bp amplicon was used as a standard input to evaluate size selection efficiency and cutoff. Eluted DNA was diluted1:20 before loading onto the Bioanalyzer High Sensitivity DNA Chip for analysis

Select-a-Size MagBeads
Select-a-Size MagBeads are also available which selectively bind fragments based on the volume of buffer added relative to the sample. Simply choose a desired cut-off to bind the target of interest onto the beads and remove species outside of this range. DNA is easily eluted from the beads following a rapid wash.

Benefits of using the Select-a-Size MagBeads
• Pre-determined cut-offs or fine tune the protocol for more specific selections
• Size selections in as little as 10 minutes
• Compatible with manual or automated protocols
• High-quality DNA produced is suitable for highly sensitive applications including Next Generation Sequencing

Select-a-size DCC MagBead Kit graph

Select-a-Size DNA Clean and Concentrator MagBead Kit allows for left-sided size selection at ≥ 400 bp, ≥ 300 bp, ≥ 200 bp, ≥ 150 bp, ≥ 100 bp. DNA was size selected according to the Select-a-Size DNA Clean and Concentrator MagBead protocol and the results were analysed by Agilent 2200TapeStation. 1 ug of sonicated salmon sperm DNA in water was used as a standard input to evaluate size selection efficiency and cutoff.

Material available to download
Select-a-Size DNA Clean and Concentrator Kit manual
Select-a-Size DNA Clean and Concentrator MagBead Kit manual


Note: product availability depends on country - see product detail page.

Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
Select-A-Size DNA Clean & Concentrator D4080 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
25 preparations £86.00
25 preparations
Select-a-Size DNA Clean & Concentrator MagBead Kit D4084 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
10 ml £484.00
10 ml
Select-a-Size DNA Clean & Concentrator MagBead Kit D4085 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
50 ml £1094.00
50 ml