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Complex siRNA pools for gene silencing: siPOOL

siPOOL™ from siTOOLs Biotech are highly complex and defined pools of 30 siRNAs which can be used for gene silencing by RNA interference. With each siRNA present at picomolar working concentrations, the off-target signatures of each siRNAs are diluted and on-target specificity increased, ensuring cooperative knock-down of the target gene. Enabling multigene targeting, siPOOL is ideal for producing more robust and reliable results in gene silencing.

Benefits of using siPOOL
• Defined pool of 30 siRNAs for gene silencing
• On-target specificity increased
• Ensures cooperative knock-down of target gene
• Highly specific
• Robust and reliable results
• Quick and simple to use
• PAGE-purified and nontoxic
• Multi gene targeting

siPOOL technology

siPOOL technology

Individual siRNAs or low complexity siRNA pools containing 3-4 siRNAs (left) often hit multiple off-target genes and exhibit variable target gene knock-down. siPOOLs (right) are highly complex and defined pools of 30 siRNA, each present at picomolar working concentrations resulting in high on-target specificity and reliability. 

siPOOLs exhibit higher specificity than single siRNA

Reduced off-target effects with siPOOLs

Expression profiling by microarray in HeLa cells revealed a single siRNA can induce numerous off-target genes (red dots) while a siPOOL against the same target gene (green dot), and containing the non-specific siRNA, had greatly reduced off-target effects.

Better reproducibility and potent knock-down efficiency with siPOOLs

siPOOLs Figure 2

Left and middle panel: correlation plots of real-time quantitative PCR measurements of target RNA levels. siPOOLs exhibit greater robustness & reproducibility compared with single siRNAs. siPOOLs also exhibit potent gene knock-down. In commonly used cell lines, gene knock-down efficiencies of 75-98% are often achieved at 1 nM concentrations for many genes (right panel).

siPOOLs produce consistent phenotypes

siPOOLs Consistent Phenotypes

36 genes were screening using three siRNAs per gene from a commercially available library and two siPOOLS per gene from the human kinase siPOOL library. Cell viability was then measured in A549 cells. Only siPOOLs produced consistent phenotypes.

• Gene silencing
• Genomic screening

Material available for download
siPOOL product brochure
siPOOL transfection protocol
siPOOL human kinase library
siPOOL cancer toolbox
siPOOL safety data sheet
siTOOLs technotes: siRNA off-target effects
siTOOLs technotes: ways to reduce siRNA off-target effects

siPOOL citations

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To request a quotation or recieve further information, please contact our specialist


Note: product availability depends on country - see product detail page.

Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
siPOOL positive/negative control 2 si-C002-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
2 nmol £284.00
2 nmol
siPOOL 40 si-G400-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
40 nmol £1817.00
40 nmol
siPOOL 20 kit (includes 20nmol neg. control) si-K020-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
2 x 20 nmol £1494.00
2 x 20 nmol
siPOOL positive/negative control 40 si-C040-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
40 nmol £1435.00
40 nmol
siPOOL 20 si-G200-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
20 nmol £1136.00
20 nmol
siPOOL positive/negative control 20 si-C020-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
20 nmol £802.00
20 nmol
siPOOL positive/negative control 10 si-C010-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
10 nmol £486.00
10 nmol
siPOOL positive/negative control 5 si-C005-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
5 nmol £322.00
5 nmol
siPOOL 1 (for orders of 100 siPOOLs or more) si-G010-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
1 nmol £284.00
1 nmol
siPOOL 40 kit (includes 40nmol neg. control) si-K040-XXXXXX · siTOOLs Biotech
siTOOLs Biotech
2 x 40 nmol £2799.00
2 x 40 nmol