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High-throughput viral DNA/RNA extraction kits

The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead Kit (DX) is a CE-IVD certified extraction kit designed for high-throughput purification of viral DNA and/or RNA from any biological sample. With a simple protocol featuring buffers that facilitate complete viral particle lysis, high quality viral DNA and RNA can be extracted in just 1-2 hours (depending on the automation platform) using this kit. The isolated DNA/RNA is of high-quality and are ready for all downstream applications such as ext-generation sequencing (NGS), RT/PCR and hybridisation-based detection.

To meet the high demand for viral RNA extraction during the COVID-19 pandemic, Zymo Research have streamlined their manufacturing to produce large numbers of the Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead Kit (R2141-E). These kits can be used to process samples manually on the bench, or will work on any open automation platform. For automation support, please contact our technical specialists.

Virus inactivation
The kit contains DNA/RNA Shield reagent, which has been demonstrated to inactivate the MERS-coronavirus and a wide range of other pathogens.

Benefits of using the Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead Kit
• CE-IVD certified (R2140-E and R2141-E)
• Short lead times for delivery
• Fast - 96 samples extracted in 1-2 hours depending on platform used
• Automation compatible (scripts and automation support available)
• Manual protocol available
• Compatible with swabs, sputum, saliva, as well as samples collected in DNA/RNA Shield, universal transport medium (UTM/VTM) or similar and more

High quality SARS-CoV-2 RNA extraction

High quality SARS-CoV-2 RNA extraction

RT-qPCR analysis of total RNA isolated from sputum using the Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead Kit. Positive control sample was spiked with a non-infectious in vitro COVID-19 synthetic RNA. Negative control sample was not spiked with in vitro RNA. Samples were tested using primers targeting the human RNase P gene (“RNase P”, amplification control) or primers 2019 nCoV_N3 (CV-3).

Technical specifications

Equipment required Manual: Magnetic stand or separator

Automated: Automated liquid handler with heating element, plate shaker and 96-well magnetic stand
Registration status CE-IVD (R2140-E and R2141-E)
Downstream applications RNA is ready for next-generation sequencing (NGS), RT-qPCR, microarray, hybridisation
Sample input Plasma, serum, saliva, urine, blood, cell culture media, cellular suspensions, biopsies, swab and fecal
Binding capacity 10 µg DNA/RNA per 20 µl MagBinding Beads
Elution volume ≥ 50 µl
Associated products: ZR-96 MagStand (P1005)
Collection Plate (C2002; capacity 1.2 ml/well)
96-Well Block (P1001; capacity 2 ml/well)
Elution Plate (C2003; capacity 0.35 ml/well)
Cover Foil (C2007)

The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead Kit is also available in a Research Use Only format (R2140 and R2141)

Worldwide kit use
The Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead kits are in use in numerous NHS and private testing labs in the UK, as well as globally in public and private COVID testing labs. These kits also form part of the EUA granted to Zymo Research as part of their COVID testing workflow.

Need automation support?
For automation support, contact our technical specialists

Material available for download
Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead CE-IVD kit protocol
Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead RUO kit protocol
Reliable detection of pathogen DNA/RNA brochure
Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead kit automation reference guide
Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead kit nose and throat swab manual protocol


Note: product availability depends on country - see product detail page.

Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead R2140 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
250 preparations £363.00
250 preparations
Quick-DNA/RNA Viral MagBead R2141 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
1000 preparations £1315.00
1000 preparations