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Whole genome bisulphite sequencing library preparation

The Zymo-Seq WGBS Library Kit from Zymo Research enables Whole Genome Bisulphite (WGBS) library preparation in less than four hours, in a single tube. Featuring a streamlined workflow, the Zymo-Seq WGBS incorporates tagmentation technology to reduce library preparation bias resulting in accurate methylation calling without the need for tedious ligation-based library preparation methods. 

As a gold standard for DNA methylation studies, the Zymo-Seq WGBS Library Kit provides base-level methylation quantification for all cytosines and enables reproducible genomic coverage from any species. 

Benefits of using the Zymo-Seq WGBS Library kit
 Streamlined workflow, eliminates fragmentation, enzymatic and clean-up steps
 Ideal for high throughput applications
• Reproducible genome coverage from any species (>90% of CpG sites detected in mammalian samples) 
• Includes 12 Unique Dual Index Primer Sets
• Libraries are compatible with Illumina® sequencing platforms

Enzymatic reactions are consolidated in a single tube

WGBS workflow

Intact genomic DNA is first bisulphite converted, which then undergoes second strand synthesis (1). Tagmentation is added directly to the reaction to tag adapters onto the double-stranded DNA (2). Indexing primers and PCR mixture are added to amplify the WGBS library (3). Purified libraries are ready for sequencing on Illumina instruments.

• Whole-genome methylation calling of CG, CHG, and CHH sites

Material available for download
Zymo-Seq WGBS Library Kit datasheet
Zymo-Seq WGBS Library Kit protocol

Illumina is a registered trademark of Illumina


Note: product availability depends on country - see product detail page.

Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
Zymo-Seq WGBS Library Kit D5465 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
24 preparations £1152.00
24 preparations