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ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standards

Microbiomics has rapidly advanced in recent years, yielding numerous new discoveries. However, the field lacks a comprehensive assessment of the reliability of its methods and protocols. Many researchers have highlighted issues with data reproducibility across labs and the challenges of managing the considerable variability inherent in the complex microbiomics workflow (figure 1).


Figure 1. Inconsistent interpretation of the microbial composition of one stool sample by American Gut and uBiome. The figure was adapted from: “Here’s the Poop on Getting Your Gut Microbiome Analyzed.” Science News. 2014

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NGS microbiomics workflows consist of multiple intricate steps, often complicated by biases and errors occurring throughout. Figure 3 outlines the typical challenges encountered at each stage of the microbiomics workflow. Methods such as freezing which is considered as the gold standard, can even potentially suffer from bias caused by freeze-thaw cycles. Read our blog to learn how bias can arise in every step of your workflow.

sources of error

Figure 2. Potential sources of bias or error throughout the entire microbiomics workflow.

The ZymoBIOMICS® portfolio represents Zymo Research's response to the demand for improved reliability in microbiome analysis. It comprises various products designed to tackle key challenges in the microbiomics workflow, such as microbial community standards, sample collection devices, DNA/RNA isolation kits, and library preparation kits. Additionally, Zymo provide a comprehensive microbiomics sequencing service for customers who opt to delegate technical processing.

The microbial community standards from Zymo Research allow scientists to validate and standardise their methods and have confidence in their results. Zymo certify all of their microbial standards to have <0.01% microbial contamination (by DNA abundance).


ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standards citations

Detecting bias in the microbiomic workflow

Detecting bias in the microbiomic workflow

Standards available

ZymoBIOMICS™ standards

Microbial Community Standard

Microbial Community Standard II

Spike in control

Microbial cell
Isolated DNA
Microbial cells
Isolated DNA
High microbial load
Low microbial load

Detect bias in

Complete workflow and DNA extraction
Library prep and sequencing
Complete workflow and DNA extraction
Library prep and sequencing
Complete workflow and DNA extraction
Complete workflow and DNA extraction

Recommended use


General benchmarking and microbiome profiling positive control
Assess detection limit and sensitivity
Absolute quantification of high bacterial load samples e.g. faeces
Absolute quantification of low bacterial load samples e.g. sputum


For long read library prep and sequencing, a high molecular weight DNA standard is available. This isolated DNA standard can be used as a positive control for general benchmarking and microbiome profiling.

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Microbiomics & metagenomics portfolio
Cambridge Bioscience offers a comprehensive solution for microbiomic and metagenomic research from collection to analyses. See the full range.