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OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit

Catalogue number:
Zymo Research
50 preps _$$_
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£153.00 Estimated delivery Mon 8 Jul
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The OneStep PCR Inhibitor Removal Kits contain all the components needed for efficient removal of contaminants that can inhibit downstream enzymatic reactions (e.g. PCR and RT) from DNA and RNA preparations. The column matrices have been specifically designed for the efficient removal of polyphenolic compounds, humic/fulvic acids, tannins, melanin, etc. from the most impure DNA and RNA preparations. Sample clean-up is as simple as applying, spinning, and recovering a sample from the column.

Storage Temperature:


Zymo Research D6030: OneStep™ PCR Inhibi
Zymo Research D6030: OneStep™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit
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OneStep-96™ PCR Inhibitor Removal Kit D6035 · Zymo Research
Zymo Research
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2 x 96 preps