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ARE Reporter Kit (Nrf2 Antioxidant Pathway )

Catalogue number:
500 reactions _$$_
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The ARE Reporter kit is designed for monitoring the activity of the Nrf2 antioxidant pathway in cultured cells. The kit contains a transfection-ready ARE luciferase reporter vector, which is an Nrf2 pathway-responsive reporter. This reporter contains a firefly luciferase gene under the control of multimerized ARE responsive elements located upstream of a minimal promoter. The ARE reporter is premixed with a constitutively expressing Renilla (sea pansy) luciferase vector that serves as an internal control for transfection efficiency. The kit also includes a non-inducible firefly luciferase vector premixed with constitutively expressing Renilla luciferase vector as negative control. The non-inducible luciferase vector contains a firefly luciferase gene under the control of a minimal promoter, without any additional response elements. This negative control is critical to determining pathway-specific effects and background luciferase activity.

Storage Temperature:

Stable at least 12 months from date of receipt, when stored as directed (-20°C)

ARE Reporter Kit (Nrf2 Antioxidant Pathw
ARE Reporter Kit (Nrf2 Antioxidant Pathway )
Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
TWO-Step Luciferase (Firefly & Renilla) Assay BPS-60683-1 · BPS Bioscience
BPS Bioscience
10 ml £260.00
10 ml
TWO-Step Luciferase (Firefly & Renilla) Assay BPS-60683-2 · BPS Bioscience
BPS Bioscience
100 ml £1464.00
100 ml
TWO-Step Luciferase (Firefly & Renilla) Assay BPS-60683-3 · BPS Bioscience
BPS Bioscience
1 l £10288.00
1 l
ARE Luciferase Reporter Lentivirus BPS-79869 · BPS Bioscience
BPS Bioscience
2 x 500 µl £929.00
2 x 500 µl