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ACVR1 Antibody

Catalogue number:
100 µg _$$_
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£550.00 Estimated delivery Thu 11 Jul
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ELISA, Western Blot

Antibody Host:


Species Reactivity:

H. sapiens (Human); Mus musculus (Mouse)

Antibody Isotype:


Antibody Type:



Anti-ACVR1 antibody was prepared from whole rabbit serum produced by repeated immunizations with a 14 amino acid synthetic peptide near the N-terminus

Alternative Names:

ACVR1 Antibody, FOP, ALK2, SKR1, TSRI, ACTRI, ACVR1A, ACVRLK2, Activin receptor type-1, Activin receptor type I, ACTR-I

Product Description:

Activins are dimeric growth and differentiation factors which belong to the transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) superfamily of structurally related signaling proteins. Activins signal through a heteromeric complex of receptor serine kinases which include at least two type I and two type II receptors. Unlike ACVR1B and ACVR1C, ACVR1, also known as activin receptor-like kinase 2 (ALK2) , can not transduce activin-mediated signaling, but will transduce BMP and Mullerian inhibiting substance (MIS) group signaling. It is thought that ACVR1 also inhibits activin signaling by blocking the binding of activin to its type II receptor. Recent studies indicate that genetic variation in ACVR1 is associated with polycystic ovary syndrome, suggesting that ACVR1 signaling contributes to disturbed folliculogenesis in these patients. Anti-ACVR1 Antibody has been tested for use in ELISA and Western Blotting. Specific conditions for reactivity should be optimized by the end user. Expect a band at ~43 kDa in size by Western Blotting in the appropriate cell lysate or extract.

Storage Temperature:

Store vial at -20°C prior to opening. Aliquot contents and freeze at -20°C or below for extended sto

Western Blot of ACVR1 antibody.  
Lane A
Western Blot of ACVR1 antibody.   Lane A: A549 cell lysate in the absence of blocking peptide.   Lane B: A549 cell lysate in the presence of blocking peptide.   Load:  35 µg per lane. Primary Antibody: Anti-ACVR1 at 1 µg/mL. Secondary antibody:   Peroxidase rabbit secondary antibody at 1:10,000 for 45 min at RT. Block:  5% BLOTTO overnight at 4°C. Predicted/Observed size:  57.1 kDa, ~45 kDa for ACVR1.
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