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ADORA2B Antibody

Catalogue number:
100 µg _$$_
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£550.00 Estimated delivery Thu 11 Jul
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ELISA, Immunohistochemistry, IF Microscopy, Western Blot

Antibody Host:


Species Reactivity:

H. sapiens (Human); Mus musculus (Mouse); Rat

Antibody Isotype:


Antibody Type:



Anti-ADORA2B antibody was prepared from whole rabbit serum produced by repeated immunizations with a 19 amino acid peptide near the C-terminus of huma

Alternative Names:

Adenosine receptor A2b, ADORA2

Product Description:

The adenosine receptor ADORA2B is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor superfamily and is an integral membrane protein that stimulates adenylate cyclase activity in the presence of adenosine (1,2) . Extracellular adenosine triggers a potent anti-inflammatory response that is mediated in part by ADORA2B including the stimulation of IL-10 production (3-5) . Activation of ADORA2B can also enhance the abundance of regulatory T cells (Tregs) , a class of cells that work to constrain inflammation (6) . Anti-ADORA2B Antibody has been tested for use in ELISA, immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and Western Blotting. Specific conditions for reactivity should be optimized by the end user. Expect a band at approximately 41 kDa in Western Blots of specific cell lysates and tissues.

Storage Temperature:

Store vial at -20°C prior to opening. Aliquot contents and freeze at -20°C or below for extended sto

Western Blot of Rabbit anti-ADORA2B anti
Western Blot of Rabbit anti-ADORA2B antibody. Lane A: mouse colon tissue lysate at 0.5 µg/mL. Lane B: mouse colon tissue lysate at 1 µg/mL. Primary antibody: ADORA2B antibody overnight at 4˚C. Secondary antibody: Goat anti-Rabbit HRP secondary antibody. Block: 5% BLOTTO. Predicted/Observed size: 37 kDa, 41 kDa for ADORA2B. 
Details Cat number & supplier Size Price
Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Heavy and Light Chain Antibody HRP Conjugated A120-101P · Bethyl Laboratories, Inc.
Bethyl Laboratories, Inc.
1 mg £91.20
1 mg
Goat anti-Rabbit IgG Heavy and Light Chain Highly Cross-Adsorbed Antibody HRP Conjugated A120-501P · Bethyl Laboratories, Inc.
Bethyl Laboratories, Inc.
1 mg £155.20
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